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Image by Tom Hermans

Here are some resources we've found helpful.  We hope you do too!

Diversity & inclusion

Compiled by Immigrants Rising, an organization dedicated to empowering undocumented young people to achieve educational and career goals through personal, institutional and policy transformation. 

500 Women Scientists

The goal of 500 Women Scientists is to increase the visibility of women in the public sphere. Connect with expert women through the "Request a Woman Scientist" platform. It also includes tools for effective science communication and mentorship resources.

Collected by Susana Wadgymar (Davidson College), this is a fantastic collection of information on value of diversity and inclusion in science. It also includes funding and mentorship opportunities for undergrads and grad students from underrepresented groups.

Created by Gina Baucom & Meghan Duffy (University of Michigan), this website identifies ecologists and evolutionary biologists who are women and/or from groups underrepresented in science. The goal is to diversify seminar series, award nominees, etc. 

Founded by Megan Greischar, Nicole Mideo, Chelsea Rochman, & Tess Grainger (University of Toronto), BREWS is a series of data-driven discussions on equity in science. The website includes recent topics and links to resources on diversity issues in science and beyond.

500 Queer Scientists

A campaign to increase the visibility of LGBTQ+ people in STEM fields, ensure that the next STEM generation has LGBTQ+ role models, and create opportunities for community connections. Contains biographies of lots of awesome LGBTQ+ scientists.

Free and low cost resources for grad students, postdocs, and early-career researchers

A list of free or low-cost academic resources, ranging from note-taking software to collaborative workspaces to citation / reference managers. A crowdsourced list compiled by Jaclyn A. Siegel (@jacasiegel).

Connects students with mentors to apply for fellowships and to graduate school in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.

A repository of teaching materials and methods aimed at enhancing human diversity and inclusivity in biology courses.

Guidelines for practices to increase inclusivity in STEM.  Covers hiring, mentoring, writing reference letters, reviewing grants and manuscripts, and includes a lab manual template.

Resources from the University of California - San Francisco to guide conversations about race and inequities in science and within labs and research teams.  They created one set of resources for students and postdocs, and another for faculty.

A Guide to Indigenous Land Acknowledgement

Created by the Native Governance Center is a Native American-led nonprofit organization located in St. Paul, Minnesota. Explains why indigenous land acknowledgements are important, and how to approach creating one.



Statistics & computing

Written by Dolph Schluter (University of British Columbia), this website is a great introduction to data analysis in R, with an emphasis on methods used by ecologists and evolutionary biologists.

A companion to Generalized linear mixed models: a practical guide for ecology and evolution” by Bolker et al. 2009. It is a detailed and practical guide to using GLMMs with real data, and includes worked examples with datasets and R code.

An Introduction to Hierarchical (i.e., Mixed Effects) Modeling

A beautiful visual explanation of mixed effects models, including the distinction between random intercept and random slope models. 



Science communication & outreach

Information visualization advice from the Science Graphics Editor at the New York Times.

Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science

Resources to help scientists communicate complex topics in clear, vivid, and engaging ways.

Chris Martine's "Plants Are Cool, Too!"

YouTube series about how awesome plants are! Created and hosted by Chris Martine (Bucknell University) and co-sponsored by the Botanical Society of America.

Stories about plants have shaped our lives. Brought to you by Smith Conservation Fellows Becky Barak, Becky Tonietto, Bonnie McGill, Caitlin McDonough MacKenzie, Mallika Nocco, Molly Bletz, Sara Kuebbing, and Talia Young.


Just for fun

A webcomic by Randall Munroe about science, math, language, and programming.

Diversity & inclusion
Statistics & computing
Science communication
Just for fun


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